by Andrew Hopkins
Luna Bella Needs Your Support Kirkland Lake.
She is in an international contest for $10,000 and a chance to be featured on the cover of Modern Cat.
Owner Diane LeClerc said Luna was born feral, and she, her mother, and her littermates were taken in by a kind man who found them all homes.
“That’s how she came to me,” LeClerc added.
LeClerc explained, “What’s nice about this contest is that it’s for your everyday house cats and dogs. No training, no grooming—just normal pets. Luna entered a couple of years ago but didn’t advance past the top 20 in her group. This year, she’s so close to the quarterfinals.”
“Luna is a 3-year-old, solid black, long-haired domestic cat. She is a diva, lol. She is VERY vocal and will tell you when it’s treat time or dinner time,” LeClerc expressed. “Her favorite toy is a simple string—that’s it. She will follow it, chase it, hide it, and even dig for it anywhere. As a baby, her favorite thing to do was climb EVERYTHING. She would climb my housecoat, get on top of the door, then lunge into my bed. No curtain was safe. I now have non-rigid vinyl vertical blinds.”
She said, “What’s nice about this contest is that there’s no chaos like in major competitions. Regular, everyday pets compete from home.”
“It’s been so exciting to interact with friends and family during this journey,” LeClerc commented. “As we all watch her standings religiously, it’s such an emotional roller coaster. Luna seems unfazed by all of it.”
LeClerc added that if Luna wins, she’s getting one of those big wheels as well as many other prizes.
“I’m also gonna have a celebration with everyone here at home,” LeClerc added. “I’ll be training her this summer on her harness and stroller. We look forward to walking in Kirkland Lake and meeting new friends.”
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