by Andrew Hopkins
KIRKLAND LAKE, ON – Kirkland Lake, are you ready for some chili?
The 1st annual Chili Cook-Off is coming to the Legion on March 8th.
Organizer Brian Holden said the idea originated from his time competing in a chili cook-off in the Stratford area as a chef.
“I thought it might be something that people would enjoy, as there isn’t anything like that up here,” Holden explained. “It’s a chance for people to showcase their talents.”
The cook-off is looking for entrants to make chili.
“So far, the response has been slow from participants, but there seems to be a lot of interest,” Holden expressed. “The response from the population seems to be good; people like the idea.”
The cost to enter a chili in the cook-off is $25. The cost to enter and taste as much chili as you want is $10.
“We will have three judges to taste the chili from the participants, with cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place,” Holden explained. “We are also going to give out ballots for the People’s Choice award, with a cash prize as well. There will be door prizes throughout the day, and we will also be selling tickets for the motorcycle draw later on this summer.”
Holden said the health unit has been the biggest challenge for participants, with all the regulations.
“I understand that they are only looking out for the public, but it does make it challenging,” Holden added.
Holden said he is hoping that this will become an annual event.
“This is a chance for the Legion to make some money for special projects in the community,” Holden added.
Looking into the future, Holden said he would like to see it turn into a Chili and Beer Festival, featuring local craft beer tastings and more participants.
Applications are available at the Legion Bar, or they can contact Holden directly at 226-921-5992 or [email protected].