by Andrew Hopkins

KIRKLAND LAKE, ON – Shayne Bragg created the store Everything is Art with the goal of providing hidden and unknown artists and craftspeople a place to create and sell their arts and crafts.
“It’s like a full-time indoor market,” Bragg explained.
He said that back in 2018, he fell ill with a version of Crohn’s disease that landed him in the hospital, where doctors discovered that his intestines had ruptured.
“After spending two years in and out of surgeries to fix the parts of me that got damaged, COVID-19 hit, and my doctors put me on lockdown for the duration,” Bragg expressed.
It was during all that time of recovery and isolation when he wrote the business plan for Everything is ART.
“Since then, I’ve met some hugely gifted people and helped them get their foot in the door to selling their craft,” Bragg noted.
He clarified that the business was never meant to be an art supply store, but rather a gathering place for like-minded people—those who perhaps didn’t get a fair shake in life, or who were shy or lacked confidence.
“I wanted to act as the doorway for the talented but unknown. And it worked for a while… Alas, the community seemed to lose interest, and I was forced to make financial decisions. That’s when I met Margaret Jennings.”
Margaret is a well-known craftsperson who sets up tables at every vendor fair in Kirkland Lake and the surrounding area.
He explained that Margaret approached him and asked if she could set up her shop within his, as she felt she was too old and tired to attend the shows.
“I, of course, agreed, and Marg’s Homecrafts was born.”
He said that thanks to the collaboration with Marg’s Homecrafts—which caters to an older target customer, along with Margaret herself—the retail store he envisioned for all artists has now been rebranded as Marg’s Homecrafts, featuring just a few dedicated crafters that she represents.
Bragg also explained that the trend in shopping today, which is very prevalent in Kirkland Lake, is that customers rarely spend any length of time “shopping.”
“People have adopted the mindset of ‘get in, get what you need, get out, and go home,’” Bragg expressed.
While Bragg mentioned that he would love to go back to nurturing artists with lessons and motivation, he has instead decided to focus on phase two of his plan: video production, while Margaret runs the retail store.
“The future of Everything is ART is online entertainment via YouTube and other streaming services,” Bragg explained. “I’ve written many entertainment projects, and I’ve almost finished studio construction. I’m always asking for, and will gladly accept, anyone who wishes to participate. I’ll also gladly profit-share monetization revenue. My goal still remains the same… to find and nurture talented individuals who are passionate about their craft.”